Sunday, March 25, 2007

t-shirt, sunglasses, and a grandbaby

Today I went for a 45 minute walk wearing shorts, a T-shirt, and sunglasses of course. You would never know that there was rain mixed with snow all day yesterday in Denver. I'm guessing there will be at least one more big storm with some serious snow.

As I was walking around I was thinking about Seth Andrew. He is my future Grandchild, thanks to Seth and Noelle. I was thinking about them raising a child in a culture that's so screwed up. Parents will need lots of help and support. It reminded me about what Donald Miller talked about in his book, Searching for God Knows What. When talking about Shirley MacLaine and why she wanted to be God, he said, "I could see it in the people on television, I could see it in the people in the movies, I could see it in my friends and family, too. It seemed that every human being had this need for something outside himself to tell him who he was, and that whatever it was that did this was gone." I think the need to be loved and appreciated is enormous. Little Seth Andrew is going to need a lot of love from his family and friends. The self help version of Christianity doesn't meet this need. But, the God of the Bible seems to be brokenhearted over the separation in our relationship and downright obsessed with mending the tear. We're praying for you Seth Andrew.

By the way, the book, Searching for God Knows What is really good. I liked it as much as Blue Like Jazz. If you haven't read it, you should.

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