Friday, May 30, 2014


I think far to many people take our freedoms for granted. We are free to vote and choose our leaders, free to speak, free bear arms, and so on.  However, now our freedoms are slowly, and deceptively being eroded away. Slowly, the government raises taxes, and wildly spends money to the point we'll become obligated to pay for it through more taxes. Even property rights are at risk.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, "You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - - he's free again."

Maybe this is why Jesus told us to sell all we have and give to the poor. Here lies my real freedom.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bergen Peak

We hiked up 4 miles to the summit of Bergen Peak with our friends on Monday. Afterwards, we drove over to Dan and Tammi's house for some grilling and smiling. We abused Dan about his tree that's falling over, or should have fallen over by now, but he has it tied up with a rope from across the lawn. The hope is that it will begin to grow differently if it's pulled in the opposite direction for long enough. I don't know, that didn't work too well with my kids!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pot at school

We now have a University in the Denver area teaching all about pot. Yes it's the Marijuana University on the Auraria campus.  Click here and read the article.

I know a considerate pusher. He sells candy reefers to kids who are too young to smoke!  And now the latest angle, learn about it in college.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Snowing on May 12

I left my car out last night, because there was mostly rain yesterday mixed with a little snow. Now look at it! It's not a whole lot of snow, but on May 12? Well, maybe this is a lot of snow for May 12. Supposed to be sunny and 50 tomorrow.