Monday, December 30, 2013

Government RFP for humor

Yes, it's true! The U.S. Treasury Department, The Bureau of Public Debt (BPD), posted an RFP for a contractor a few years ago to provide "Humor in the Workplace."  While the government sought humor, most of us no longer find amusing on the matter of public debt. Click on link below...

Government Humor

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Carlsbad Caverns

Nancy and I visited Carlsbad Caverns on our way to Tucson. This is the way in, if you prefer not to take the 800 foot deep elevator. The cave was discovered by a cowboy in about 1889 who thought he saw a fire near his cattle. What he thought was smoke coming out of this entrance, was really millions of bats flying out to eat insects!

We went on a self guided tour in the cave in the morning, and then in the afternoon we hide a guide to show us through some private places, like the Kings palace below. This was the scene from a movie called Journey To The Center of the Earth. They camped out near here. Also, in the 1930's the local Chamber of Commerce used to meet here. It seemed pretty dark to me for a meeting.

Below is a small pool in one of the rooms estimated to be 14 football fields in size!! Whooo! That's big. The ceiling in that room was nearly 400 feet high.There is much less water in the cave now. The Park Service admits that the big parking lot positioned above the cave, has prevented water from seeping into the depths.

As a result, most of the "hangy-downies" and the "sticki-y-upies" aren't growing anymore. Another example of the "unintended consequences" of government interference. They did stop the Chamber Meetings and kept people from breaking off the stalactites and stalagmites. So some government involvement can be helpful. But do they really need the huge parking lot and 50,000 square foot gift shop, restaurant and movie theatre?  Just walk in the cave and see it yourself.

It's a wonderful place to visit and very interesting. I'm sure we'll go back. Take your own food though, the snack bar is not good.

Sunday, December 22, 2013


On our Christmas holiday, we stopped for the night in Roswell, NM to meet a few aliens. At the Holiday Inn Express we were greeted by this one in the elevator. It is everywhere in this town. We saw flying saucers and aliens galore.

Even on the way through Carlsbad, I met these two aliens at the gift shop. They wanted me to take them to my leader. I explained to them as politely as possible, we don't have any leaders right now. All we have is Chicago politics. They decided to go back home!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I love hiking

I enjoy hiking in the mountains, taking in all the beautiful vistas, and seeing new and different places. Sometimes when I hike, I get a little winded but that's only normal I suppose. I never complain. I merely think of the lifetime of enjoyment I've had in the great outdoors. Like I say, when a great trail shows up, give it a comfortable stroll, but don't look down.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

"Incredible that God should unite with us."

It was Blaise Pascal who wrote "Incredible that God should unite with us." And incredible it is. Unfortunately, we are so preoccupied with ourselves, we've missed it. It's like we slept through it, along with His disciples.

While Jesus prayed in the final hour He asked His disciples to stay awake with Him while He learns the Father's will and His certain death. He simply asked His friends to stay awake with Him. As He returned to His disciples, He found them asleep. Nevertheless, He goes forward to meet death.

Jesus sought men but was not heard.

Jesus, while the disciples slept, brought them salvation. He brought it for all the righteous while they sleep, both in the nothingness before their birth and in their sinful state since their birth. He brought it for you and me while we slept.

Jesus prays only once that the cup should pass from Him, and even then with humble resignation; He prays twice that it should come if it must.

Jesus, seeing His friends asleep and His foes alert, commits Himself without reservation to His father.

"Incredible that God should unite with us."