Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I had an interesting day at work today. One of our franchise owners was the previous pastor of a Church in Washington. He decided to buy a franchise with us. He's a great guy and is building a fine business, growing every month, and takes good care of his employees. I thoroughly enjoy spending time with him and consulting with him. Today we talked about his growing tax burden. He complained about how high it's becoming and how little he gets in return. I think he believed that wealthy business owners somehow escape taxation. What a rude awakening.

I reminded him of the government's view of the economy (according to Ronald Reagan). Their view is summed up in just a few short phrases: "If it moves, tax it; if it keeps moving; regulate; if it stops moving, subsidize it."

I think it was Reagan who said, "Government is like a baby - an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other."

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