Friday, February 1, 2013

Taken from Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller

First, Miller quotes G.K. Chesterton who says "chess players go crazy, not poets." Miller goes on to say, "I think he is right. You'd go crazy trying to explain penguins. It's best just to watch them and be entertained. I don't think you can explain how Christian faith works either. It is a mystery. And I love this about Christian spirituality. It cannot be explained, and yet it is beautiful and true. It is something you feel, and it comes from the soul."

And yes, I can explain the photo below, how it refracts the light as it streams through the sky like a prism, but can you explain beauty? What about art? What about love?

I like what SK writes, "It is simple and beautiful and moving that the lover gazes, enamored, at his beloved, but it is fashionable and superior to peer at her through a monocle. The natural scientist uses the microscope the way fop uses a monocle - only the microscope is turned toward God."

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