Thursday, February 21, 2013


You know it's winter when you see a Dalmatian with thermal spots!

Last night I was driving home and it took me an hour and 15 min to go 12 miles. Negotiating the traffic was terrible! 6 inches of snow had fallen and the winds were howling in the streets. I saw my neighbor Mr. Klein coming out of the bakery. He had asked for three Danishes.The baker asked him, "Did your wife send you for them?" Mr. Klein said, "Would a mother send her son out on a night like this?"

I do like the snow, it fills the potholes. You know, everyone is concerned about illegal aliens coming up from Mexico, and boy we sure could use a fence and all that, but the real problem is up North. We get an awful lot of cold waves from Canada. Can't we weatherstrip the border?

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