Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Portland, OR

On my last trip to Portland I visited with Teresa and Genaro. We went out for sushi. It was one of those places where they have a conveyor belt that runs around the restaurant. You simply pick a plate of food from the belt and then they charge you based on how many plates are in front of you. Whenever I eat at one of these places, I wonder how long has this plate circled the restaurant? Five minutes, five hours, five days, who knows? The food was good though, and I met their music minister who was eating there with his family.

After dinner we visited the library where Teresa works. She wanted me to see the place and how small it is. I deemed it okay because they had a copy of Peace Like a River. My visits with them have been soothing and pleasant. Traveling with such intensity, I welcome the refuge of their home, their smiles, and stories of daily life in Portland. Few people know this, but I went to High School in Flagstaff, AZ with Teresa. She remembers things I don't. It isn't fair because she could be making things up for all I know. The good news is she doesn't know the things I remember.

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