Sunday, February 18, 2007

Helping the Poor and AIDS

Nancy and I went to Church last night and saw the video of Bill Hybels interviewing Bono (U-2 Rock Star for those of you who are over 40 or so). Without a doubt he is a Christian and working hard for the cause of Christ. And, he believes that we should be working to help the poor and those stricken with AIDS. It's hard to argue with that since it's one of Jesus' commands. To get the interview, go here or the link above. You can order the interview on DVD here. I want to urge you to watch it.

Want to help? Here are some links. The first is One: A Hope for Africa, responding to the crisis. ONE calls for debt cancellation, trade reform, and anti-corruption measures, in addition to a comprehensive measures to help African countries beat AIDS. Also, check out DATA. You might also consider HIVCareLink as a place to help or contribute. Also, World Vision is working hard in the area. In addition you should check out Bread for the World. A number of the local leaders for these organizations were at Church last night and talked about what they're doing and how to get involved.

One of the things Bono said in the interview is that the Church is getting on board with this. Nancy and I are very pleased our Church is too.

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