Sunday, March 14, 2010

Babette's Feast

We watched the movie Babette's Feast last night based on our daughter Noelle's recommendation. The movie was taken from a story by Isak Dinesen. It got an academy award for best foreign language film and spawned an interest in "foodie" movies about the liberating effects of good food.

Of course if that's all you get out of this film, then you've taken "shallow" to a new level. There was a lot going on here about God's Grace and how it's unconditional, lavish, and given freely with no expectation of anything in return. I also saw simple, yet profound examples of how Grace transforms people. There were no "rules" here, just Grace at work. What does it make you want to do? Return something to God because He is so good and has done so much for us and He was so humble in the way he did it.

I highly recommend this film to everyone.

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