Monday, March 22, 2010

Amnesia is natures way of saying, "forget it."

Woodrow Wilson once remarked, "There are blessed intervals when I forget by one means or another that I am President of the United States." Just exactly what did Dr. Obama forget? It looks to me like the doctor just gave our country a strong laxative. Now we're sitting pretty! And so I started thinking about the older people and what will happen to them. Medicare is great for many of them. They get so many tranquilizers they don't care what shape the country is in. You want socialized medicine? This is it... call the acupuncturist and tell him you're in pain. He'll tell you to take two safety pins and call him in the morning! You want to know how I really feel? CHANGE the cost problems first. Don't just change who pays for it and leave it at that.

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