Monday, July 9, 2007

Friends in Memphis

I found out today that Brian Pound, the 24 year old son of Doug and Cathy Pound in Memphis, died last week in a swimming accident. Doug and Cathy are friends of ours and I have worked with Doug in different capacities for 26 years at ServiceMaster. Nancy and I are grieved and greatly distressed by this. It reminded me of how my parents were so terribly crushed when my older brother died in a freak accident. I can't imagine how difficult this is for the Pounds.

Last week I hiked on a path with friends through the mountains in Colorado. The Bible refers to a path and going through a narrow gate that opens the route to God. This is the gate that many Christians think they've already walked through but never really have. Larry Crabb, in his book Finding God talks about an idea so simple we probably miss it's force, "You know you're finding God when you believe that God is good no matter what happens."

Larry Crabb reminds us in his book that no one will conclude that God is good by studying life. The evidence moves us to a different conclusion. He says, "When God ushers us into the presence of ultimate goodness, when our darkest tragedy is pierced by one glimpse of invisible glory, then faith is born."

Our thoughts and prayers are with Doug and Cathy and their family.

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