Saturday, June 9, 2007

Prairie Dogs Take Over

This morning we rose once again to hear Prairie Dogs talking (making obnoxious chirping noises) outside. They now live in the open space across the street. Last year, it was only flowers, buffalo grass, and cactus inhabiting this area. Now it looks like a nuclear wasteland poked with holes.

There is hope. Coming home from work yesterday I noticed two hawks circling above this "charming" community of vermin. Early this morning I saw a coyote circling around the area. I hope they get well fed. However, I'm afraid these wonderful predators won't make a dent in the new community. Does Wall mart carry rat poison? I've got a job for Tyler when he gets home from Japan.

One of my former franchise owners in Oregon goes on vacation for a week every year simply to hunt Prairie Dogs in Montana. I asked him how many he shoots in a week and he said usually around 2,000 or so. He said there are three of us who go every year so that's around 6,000 per year. He's been doing this for 10 years, so that's 60,000. He said every year it seems like there are more and more.

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