Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

Today is a melancholy day. Yesterday we sat in the office looking at the internet watching reports of the shooting at VT. My heart goes out to the parents who went for long periods of time not knowing where their kids were or what the outcome would be. As of this morning, I understand many still don't know and bodies are still not identified. It's a parents worst fear.

I heard a story about parents in Philadelphia who felt the city was unsafe and they encouraged their son to go to VT because it's safe and quiet. He attended there but he won't next year. Everytime Tyler goes on a trip diving or traveling in some strange exotic place, we pray more.

The thing that irritated me was watching the news last night. I couldn't believe how fast all those big name reporters got to Virginia to get their "scoop." And they got it without regard for anyone but themselves.

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