Monday, April 30, 2007

Being Humble

Being humble is important when it comes time for healing to take place (that is, healing between two people). Arrogance is the polar opposite of being humble. Jesus was truly humble. He left his heavenly world which was perfect and filled with Angels worshipping him, and he came to earth as a pauper to give everything to man, including his life. He gave everything and took nothing.

Arrogant people on the other hand are usually very difficult because they always know the "right" answers. I've been watching this at work for years. Arrogance comes across as self-righteousness, it's condescending or judgemental and it alienates people. It takes things away from people, not physical things but emotional things.

I think when you work to live with humilty it means you grow in your ability to see yourself in the actions of others. Another person can become a mirror for you. Asking questions is a great way to find out what you don't know and a great way to start on a path to humility. I think this is the beginning of humility, not to mention it's honoring to others. You take nothing from them.

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