Saturday, April 28, 2007

Nancy Pets A Big Horn

Today, Nancy and I went for a walk up Waterton Canyon. I never thought we would ever be this close to a Big Horn Sheep, mangy as it was. It has been a hard winter. I think it came down the hill looking for a free handout or a few granola bars. Ahh!! Colorado. 80 degrees, fish jumping in the Platte River, and not a cloud in the sky. I think we'll grill tonight...not the sheep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andy - Waterton Canon was always one of my favorite evening fishing places. I would head down there late afternoon, bicycle 6 miles up to the special regulations section and fish until dark. One of my most memorable evening was coming out at dusk one evening and stopping to watch two rams "butting" heads not more than 20 feet from where I was. I had seen this on TV but in person the size of the rams (up to my shoulders) and the unbelievably loud "wham" when they hit was awesome. As it started getting dark, I walked down the other side of the road and when one ram turned to star at me I remember thinking, "if he starts toward me, I'm going over the edge of the road and into the river!"

There is a herd that lives permanently in the canyon and on another ocassion while fishing I turned to look downstream as a ram came straight up the middle of the river towards me (I was standing in the middle as well). This time he did decide to turn and go uphill and around me.

They are fantasitic animals and the "Waterton herd" was always one of my favorite experiences.

Ed Cook