Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Travel to Tucson

We drove to Tucson, AZ last weekend so Nancy could attend a baby shower for our daughter. On the way, we drove through Hatch, NM. Like this one, many of the restaurants had themes and interesting statues in front of them or on top of them. It was a nice little town. Next time I go through there I'm stopping for a burger at this place.

My daughter Noelle is indeed great with child. I enjoyed putting my hand on her tummy and feeling "Daisy" roll around. We visited their new house, which they rented from family. It's a lovely home in a nice new neighborhood. I was amazed at how nice it is. It was almost like being in a Home and Gardens magazine. She's done a great job of decorating and making it wonderful. When she was younger, I wouldn't go into her room without a tetanus shot!

The baby shower was very nice; so I'm told. I didn't go. All of us guys, who stayed at the house, wondered what they do there. What do they do anyway? We played with the football in the park, ate pizza and goofed off. What could be better than that?

Here was one of her presents. A diaper cake!! This present reminded me that having kids is like eating grapefruit. No matter what you try, you end up with a little squirt!

Craig and Kathy Hanson drove down from Scottsdale for the events. Here they are with Seth. Notice his office behind them. I think he really likes his new digs.

Here is your blog author with "Little" Andy. I was teaching him how to drum on the table. Now he can do the drum solo from in a gadda da vida.

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