Sunday, March 22, 2009

Denver Pow Wow

Nancy and I went to the Denver Pow Wow at the Coliseum over the weekend. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Below is a photo of the procession of all the Western U.S. tribes into the arena on Sunday afternoon. The event was kicked off with a morning prayer.

At the end of the procession, there was a special song (10minutes long) to native American veterans for each of the wars since WW I. I took the photo below while they were honoring the Viet Nam war veterans. There were also color guards and U.S. flags. It was very clear they were proud of their veterans and of their country. They said this many times during the procession, in fact, we were were all asked to stand during the procession and presentation of the colors.

Once the procession was over, the Inter-tribal event of the afternoon got underway. I took the photo below with everyone in the arena. Unfortunately, I couldn't get them all in the photo, the arena was too big. Suffice it to say, there were a lot of Indians! I took lots of videos and when I get a chance I'll post them on You Tube and do some links for you. The afternoon featured the drums, singing, and dancing. I hope you'll like it as much as I do.

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