Thursday, March 5, 2009


Nancy is going to be out for the next few days on a retreat. So... I guess I have to cook. Uh-oh. I used to think I was a pretty good cook, until I burned my shopping list. Don't ask. Okay, it was a grease fire with three settings. But that's okay, I have a remedy for everything. In my house we have Mylanta on tap.

When you're camping though, the best garbage disposal is a fire. You can toss your food in it and whatever else, and no one knows.

I decided that while Nancy is gone I'd be imaginative. So, I wrapped spaghetti around meatballs and called them "hot yo-yos"! But the really important thing is coffee. Especially on a campout. We make it real strong to the point you have to use two hands to dunk a doughnut!

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