Monday, October 20, 2008

Jesus walks on water

At one point during Jesus' time on earth, he "didn't do mighty works, because of their unbelief." Contrast that with the story below.

Then Jesus walked on water. The fishermen on the boat thought he was a ghost and were afraid of him. He came to these confused, blundering men, and calmed the sea. But these handful of men who, in spite of all their failure, in spite of all their faltering, in spite of all their shortcomings, were true to the light they had received. They maintained their faith. It was to them Jesus revealed himself.

Think about it for a minute. The boat was about to go down and they had turned it against the wind, which is hard to do. Why? Because he said, "cross to the other side." They pushed the prow of the boat in the direction he said. He came to them when they were literally sick with fear and was cheerful. "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid."

Whatever difficulties we have found our way into, and we have generally found our way into more difficulties through disobedience to God than obedience, he is always there to help us out.

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