Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mountain colors

Nancy and I spent the weekend at the Smith's cabin in the mountains. We met Mike and Kathy on Saturday morning and toured around the area up towards Westin Pass. Most of the trees at the higher elevations had already turned fully and some had even dropped.

This photo below I took just below Grant on the way up to Kenosha Pass. The temperature here was 54. Up at Westin Pass it was closer to 40 degrees.

I took this photo on the road to Westin Pass. On the way up we listened to the radio and caught the 4th quarter of the University of Colorado beating #3 ranked Oklahoma! Forget about the trees, there's an upset in the making!

Here is a photo of the cabin. Mike is standing on the left and you can just see Nancy sitting on a little bench in front. The cabin is tucked away in the Tarryall Mountains near Hartzel. It was very nice. Thank you Smith's.

After we got back from touring the mountains, I took a drive into the wilderness on the ATV. I took this photo of these Antelope and then took off chasing them. Antelope are faster than an ATV. They took off running as soon as I started to take the photos.
Maybe next time I'll get close enough to catch one right? Not likely, but it was fun anyway. We had a great time.

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