Friday, September 14, 2007

Airports, airplanes, and other junk.

I flew back from from Portland yesterday. I was standing at the counter in Portland entering my information into the computer screen to get a boarding pass. The guy next to me had just done the same thing and was checking his bags. He said to the gate agent, "Could you please send the red bag to Chicago, the black one to Seattle, and my garment bag goes back to Miami?" She glared at him and said, "We can't do that." He replied, "Why not? You did it last month."

Most airports make passengers walk a long way to get to the plane. That's so the luggage can get a head start! I don't check my luggage unless I have to carry a projector of something unusual from work. In those situations, I try to get to baggage claim as soon as possible and then steal back my luggage.

My kids have made fun of me for years because I try to identify airlines and even the flight number from the ground as the planes fly overhead. I would say, "Oh that's United flight 223 or there goes Northwest flight 721 from Detroit." When they were small they thought I was amazing. It's really pretty easy though. Some airlines have very distinctive characteristics. For example you can always tell an Italian plane. It has hair under it's wings.

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