Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fiber Festival

Today, we went to the Fiber Festival in Pagosa Springs. The spinning and making yarn exhibits were interesting but the animals were the best. While it wasn't a very big event we learned a great deal and talked with all the exhibitors. Below Nancy is getting ready to kiss this Alpaca. I know he's cute, but save it for me, honey! I think the Alpacas were my favorite.

These sheep look like they're ready for shearing. It was about 75 degrees or so outside the tent, so I can only imagine how uncomfortable these guys were.

Nancy is checking out the Llamas. They weren't quite as friendly as the Alpacas.

These sheep were imported by the early Spaniards visiting the Southwest. They brought them to the area because they're so tough and hearty. The Native Americans enjoyed making rugs and garments out of the yarn taken from these animals.

Here is an Angora rabbit. These are certainly the softest thing you'll ever touch. They showed us how to remove the fur to make yarn from these rabbits...they pluck them!! It doesn't seem to hurt but just the idea is a little hard to imagine. The one Nancy is holding is about 2 weeks old. The last photo is me in front of two Scottish Highlander cows.

1 comment:

The Pittmeister said...

Good pictures! Those pictures reminded me of growing up and visiting my aunt and uncle's farm in the summer time. They used to raise Llamas and Scottish Highlander cattle.