Friday, May 4, 2012

Mountains on the Inca Trail

From our camp on the second night the views of the mountains were fantastic. The camp was not so good because it was small and pretty muddy. But who cares when you're seeing this?

The mountains seen from the Inca trail were outstanding. The porters were saying that these were all over 20,000 feet. Given that we were hiking between 11,000 and 13,000 feet most of the time, it seemed believable.

The relief between these mountains and the trail we were hiking was enormous. When there weren't clouds below, the drop offs between the trail and the mountains was thousands of feet.  In the photo below, I'm not sure you really want to see how far down it is.

This mountain I only saw for a few minutes. The clouds had cleared and I immediately took my pack off and snapped this shot.  Before I could put my camera back in the pack, it was obscured by clouds once again.

This was a photo I took early in the morning. The sun was hitting it just right.

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