Monday, May 28, 2012

Estes Park and horses

We drove up to Estes Park yesterday and stayed at this small one room cabin at the Elkhorn Lodge. This is the time of year they have the art show in town, so we toured all the exhibits and had a pretty good time until we ate the ice cream cones! Then we had a really good time. We met three other couples here (Wendell had a birthday), and we all went out for Italian.

Below is a photo of the lodge. Notice the beautiful blue sky! We stayed up late last night talking and carrying on inside the lodge by the big roaring fire. They brought out those extra large marsh mellows for us and we roasted them over the fire.

Today we went on a horseback ride up near the border of Rocky Mountain National Park. Pictured below is Long's Peak. I took this photo from the back of my horse, so it's a wonder it turned out at all.

We stopped on a high ridge to get more photos and I got this one decent shot of Nancy (green windbreaker) on her horse.  Then, all of a sudden... it seemed like we were having a race back to the stables. My horse would have won the race, but she kept looking back for her plow!

Jokes about horses and racing just seem to come naturally to me. I can never remember other kinds of jokes. It just goes to show you, a pessimist is an optimist on the way home from the track!

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