Thursday, December 31, 2009

How will you end up?

This year as I've worked closely with so many business people I've come to realize the importance of doing and acting on the right thing each day and moment, making good moral decisions, sticking to what you believe in, walking the talk and not just talking the talk, hard work, caring for others, and having a sense of humility. These characteristics say something about who you are as a person. While I am far from perfect, I do understand these words from James Michener in The Fires of Spring. Perhaps only God can position a person to end up this way. May your new year end up on the right end of this...

"For this is a journey that men make to find themselves. If they fail in this, it doesn't matter much what else they find. Money, position, fame, many loves, revenge are all of little consequence; and when the tickets are collected at the end of the ride, they are tossed in a bin marked failure. But if a man happens to find himself, if he knows what he can be depended upon to do, the limits of his courage, the position from which he will no longer retreat, the extent of his dedication then he has found a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life."

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