Monday, November 1, 2010


Some late-breaking news - with six cemeteries still to heard from, the election is too close to call! And, if Acorn is in charge of things the new motto will be, "Vote early, and vote often."

So, I thought I would impart a few words of "wisdom." Such as it is these days. I found voting for judges to be the most difficult thing. You have to go on-line and read all the reports about each one of them. Because I remember the Memphis judge who gave a hillbilly a divorce from his fourteen-year-old bride because she'd acted like a kid. Then there was a judge who had mirror in his chambers. Every time he passed it, he asked, "Who's the fairest of them all?" You just can't be too careful. After all, they were appointed by politicians.

As it relates to the rest of the candidates, I am reminded of the words of Woodrow Wilson, "If you think too much about being reelected, it is very difficult to be worth reelecting." And we've certainly seen a lot of that this year. It was former House Speaker Tip O'Neill who said, "As we all know, the truth is a frequent casualty in the heat of an election campaign." House Speakers say the strangest things, don't they! Maybe they should stop speaking!

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