Thursday, June 10, 2010

A bear!

I went hiking early this morning with Bruce and Sharon a few miles from our house at Roxborough Park. We climbed Carpenter Peak. However, we weren't 15 minutes from the car and there was a rather large black bear! And then another one! Yikes, we're in bear country!

We slowly moved down the dirt road toward the start of the trail but one of them circled around to our right and the other one just stayed on the road in front of us. After a few photos and Sharon urging us to "get out of here," the one in front slowly moved down the road and was gone. The one on the right kept circling, grunted and stood up, looking right at us! Not a happy critter. We finally went by him and got down the road about 200 yards. We looked back and there he was, following us! We yelled at him and he took off.

It reminded me of the bear who approached the trapper in the woods and asked what he was looking for. The trapper said he was looking for a nice fur coat and then asked, "How about you?" "I'd like a nice breakfast. I tell you what, let's go to my cave and discuss it." They went to the bears cave and everything worked out. In about a half hour the bear had his breakfast and the trapper was in a nice fur coat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems a good time to comment about the importance of arming bears.
