Thursday, June 19, 2008

Who is God

I like what Donald Miller says about God in Searching for God Knows What. "The very scary thing about religion, to me, is that people actually believe God is who they think He is. By that I mean they have him all figured out, mapped out."

I appreciate talking with people who aren't so sure of themselves about God and religion, they wonder in a way. I think that's healthy to wonder and to question. Miller also says the obvious; "In my opinion" he writes, "there are two essential problems with believing God is somebody He isn't. The first problem is that it wrecks your life, and the second is that it makes God look like an idiot." If the center of what I believe about God rests in a relationship with him (I believe it does), then we certainly need to ask ourselves who He is. Is He good? How forgiving is He? What does He want?

1 comment:

Kathy Hanson said...

Andrew - so wise!
I cringe when I hear people say, "My god isn't like that...
he's..." as if they just created god (which I guess they did).

What better journey than to spend a life learning about who He really is.
