Sunday, May 11, 2008

7:30a Church and then a climb

I had a great day today. I got up and made the early service at Cherry Hills Community Church. Bill Hybels was speaking (the pastor of Willow Creek Church in Chicago). He was very good. Afterwards, I rushed home, loaded my stuff in the car, and hiked up to St. Mary's Glacier, whew!! I used to do this hike in 35 or 40 minutes. Today it took nearly an hour! That's my stuff pictured below by the still frozen lake.

I saw a couple of other climbers on the mountain up on the right approaching the far ridge. They were roped up, had helmets on, etc. etc. I didn't think the conditions were especially bad, so all I brought was food (very important), my ice tools and crampons. And well, not really a need for a rope here. At least I didn't think so.

My concern was punching through the cornice, pictured below. But, it turned out okay. If there was a problem it was all the spindrift. The wind was pretty high and it blew the snow right in my face going up.

By noon, I sat on my perch with my back to the wind, on top of the glacier and enjoyed the view. I'm sure glad I packed that really good apple. It went great with the granola bar and lots of water.

In case your wondering, where is Nancy? She went to Memphis to see Noelle, Seth and little Andy on Mothers Day. No, I wouldn't go off on my own like this on Mother's Day.

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