Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snow in Oregon

This week I was traveling in Southern Oregon. There was some concern about driving from Medford to Klamath Falls and back because of all the snow they've had. I had to drive over a high pass (in Oregon terms). So, I'm thinking, "Hey, I'm from Colorado how bad can this be?" Well, it can and certainly was, bad. As you can see the road sign below is mostly obscured by the snow. The good news is, I picked the right day to make the trip...nice and sunny.

This area is called Lake of the Woods. It's on State Rt. 140 and runs near Mt. McLoughlin which soars to 9,495 ft. We have passes in Colorado higher than this mountain. But look at the snow! They have had a lot. Klamath Lake was completely frozen over and I was tempted to drive my rental car on it. But, then my better judgment kicked in and I decided not to. It's a pretty place through.

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