Saturday, February 9, 2008

History and Hillary

Here's a little history for you. Harry Truman made no secret of his dislike for John F. Kennedy as a prospective Democratic candidate for President in 1960. Truman's obvious opposition to Kennedy had nothing to do with his religion. It had everything to do with his controversial father. Truman said, "It's not the Pope I fear but the Pop."

While I do have some concerns about Hillary and her lack of accomplishments, she did get Congress to allocate $1 million to the Woodstock Museum... more pork for New York. What a hero she is, and what took the Democrats so long? Nevertheless, I have some of the same fears as Truman only amplified, so to speak. In this election, it's the Ma and Pa I fear.

People who don't know America is the Land of Promise should be here during an election campaign.

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