Sunday, April 7, 2013

Most Excellent Day on a Bike

We started our bike trip today by going up Waterton Canyon. The first thing we saw were deer running across the road, then another, and then we saw some in brush. A little further up the road we saw these big horn sheep grazing near the road.

Then, Nancy saw this black bird sitting on a rock in the South Platte River. Not sure what it is. We surmised it was looking for a nice big juicy rainbow trout to swim a little too close to the surface.

There is just something special about living in Colorado. Everywhere you look (presuming you look and are paying attention) you see wildlife. What a great state to live in.

As we were coming down the road, the wind was blowing up the hill, big time. We actually worked harder coming down the road than we did going up the road. And there is something a little odd about this photo too. Hmmm... isn't the road on the other side of the mountain? You're right, it's that big oval mirror about six miles up.

On our way back we stopped to say "hello" to our friends again. The grass is turning green and yum, it's good, I suppose. If I were a big horn sheep I would think it was good, I suppose...

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