Saturday, October 6, 2012


I've been out of town in Fargo, ND enjoying a little snow and windy weather. My job takes me all over the West now and I never know exactly where I'll be. I taught a Covey 4DX class to a group of franchise owners from ND and Minnesota. After the class, some of us walked outside to go to dinner. Brrrrr.... it was cold. Then, when I came back to my hotel room and opened the door, the small light in front went on! Who left that window open?

Here are some of my visions and prognosis' for you. No, I'm not Nostradamus or anything, but I'd like to make a few predictions anyway. I predict...

On the election: Some late breaking news, with six cemeteries still to be heard from, the election is still too close to call. Delay's counting and recounting citizens, dead people, and "guest workers."

On Thanksgiving: Our turkey will be sick again this year. All day long it will have a thermometer in it.

On Christmas: My neighbor will shoot off three blanks again this year and tell his kids Santa Claus just committed suicide. It's just too expensive, he'll say.

On New Year's: My troubles will only last as long as my resolutions. Hopefully.

On Inauguration day: President Obama will have a new home but it will still have his mother-in-law in it.

On Taxes: Obama gets re-elected and you realize the IRS is like a bad laundry, you keep losing your shirt.

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