Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Look Out!

Sunday, Nancy and I went for a walk down to the lake. Her foot is feeling a little better.We decided it was a nice day to walk around the lake and see the sights.

On the way back we usually watch the prairie dog colony and listen to them chirp warnings about people nearby. This day they had a different chirp! We saw this coyote digging for one and eagerly looking for a meal.

Wiley just didn't seem to have it today. Maybe you'll get lunch tomorrow! We watched him go from hole to hole, sneak up on others and run after them. My guess is, he's been somewhat successful in the past.

Then, there was a town meeting to discuss the threat. "It won't be long and he'll have a nuke!" said one of them, "Nah, we don't have a thing to worry about. Let's just stay in our holes and ignore him because he isn't interested in us."

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