Monday, July 23, 2012

The beach at Corona del Mar

I went to the beach with the kids Saturday. I held my stomach in so much I threw out my back! But I didn't feel too bad about it. There was this one lady who was rather plump. She didn't have to go to the beach. She was the beach! Anyway, we had a great time, sunburns and all.

It's really fun watching the kids in the surf, trying to figure out which way it's going to go, and if it will take them along for a ride.When the water comes in, they want to go out. When the water goes out, they want to go in. Of course, the problem with any beach in California on Saturday is finding an inch of beach without a body on it. And then there are the bikinis. It's the closest thing to a barbed-wire fence. It protects the property without obstructing any of the view.

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