Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hildebrand Ranch Park

We couldn't go to the Hildebrand Park dedication and opening because of the rain, so we decided to hike it the next day. Actually, the 5 mile trail has been here for years and circles our neighborhood. They really only dedicated the new parking lot and port-a-potties just off Deer Creek Highway. I did get a chance to buy a raffle ticket. The second prize is a car. The first prize is a parking space! Your tax dollars at work.

1 comment:

Romantic bed and breakfasts said...

Hildebrand Ranch Park is in the area of C-470 and Wadsworth Boulevard, located south of Deer Creek Canyon Road and west of the Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield. Parking is extremely limited and courtesy shuttle service will be available from the Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield location.

Visitors will enjoy information stations on the Park's natural resources, historical background, park development as well.