Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gomer and the Gingerbread man

I heard an interesting set of stories this week. The first story is from the book of Hosea. This story is about a man who marries a harlot named Gomer. No matter what he does to please her she strays and is unfaithful to him, and she finally runs away. Years later he finds her broken and nearly ruined and buys her back as a slave with 15 pieces of silver. Thirty pieces of silver was enough at the time to buy most any slave, so she must've been in rather poor shape. He says to her you mine and I am yours. We are to live our days together. It's an analogy for what God has done for us, even when we are unfaithful.

The other story I heard was the story of The Little Gingerbread man. The little girl makes the Gingerbread man but he runs away. She is not fast enough to catch him and he is gone. She is greatly saddened by this. Some time later, she sees the Gingerbread man in a store window lying on a pan. She goes in and asks for the Gingerbread man. The shop owner says, "that will be ten cents." She protests and says, "but that is my Gingerbread man. He replies, "it costs ten cents." So the little girl goes home and scrapes together her last pennies and manages to come up with ten cents. She returned to the store and bought the Gingerbread man. She looked at him and said, "I made you, and now I purchased you, you are mine."

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