Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The baby fix

I got my baby fix recently in Tucson. If I keep going there so often the flight attendants on Southwest will know me on a first name basis. In this photo, "little Andy" is summoning me to get in the pool with him. Not a chance pal. That water is a lot warmer than I'm comfortable with.

Every baby born in America is endowed with life, liberty, and owes about a quarter of a billion toward the national debt! Yawning just doesn't seem like the appropriate response. Anyway, she's pretty cute if you ask me.

Here is Andy enjoying his new sandbox and Daisy is in her new swimsuit. My daughter Noelle is still concerned about hiring a baby sitter to watch the kids. After all she said, "Daisy is only a month old. She needs to be fed at twelve, two, and four." I told her that's okay, a baby-sitter is somebody who feeds at one, three, and five.

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