Friday, August 8, 2008

Servant leadership

Phillip Brewer writes about the paradox of servant leadership. It is a "both/and" concept, so to speak. Of course this is a big deal (or used to be) with my company. I like the way Brewer captures the essence of this concept. I think most people in the world understand about half of these things. Ezekiel said, "I sought for a man to stand in the gap and there was none."

Paradoxes of a Man of God

Strong enough to be weak;
Successful enough to fail;
Busy enough to take time;
Wise enough to say, "I don't know."
Serious enough to laugh;
Rich enough to be poor;
Right enough to say, "I'm wrong";
Compassionate enough to discipline;
Conservative enough to give freely;
Mature enough to be a sinner;
Important enough to be last;
Courageous enough to fear God;
Planned enough to be spontaneous;
Controlled enough to be flexible;
Free enough to endure captivity;
Knowledgeable enough to ask questions;
Loving enough to be angry;
Great enough to be anonymous;
Responsible enough to play;
Assured enough to be rejected;
Stable enough to cry;
Victorious enough to lose;
Industrious enough to relax;
Leading enough to serve.

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