Friday, December 3, 2010

Finding God

Jesus was born of a virgin and so if we're going to talk about Christmas, it's not related to marriage and the nursery, or family or Christmas celebrations, or nice trees. No, the Christ child is spirit but also represents what it is to be human and consequently is not related to mother, father, child, etc. He is related to every single human being as spirit but also as man. He is not just the son of God, but the son of man. At every moment Christ is God just as much as he is man. This makes Christ's birth central to our faith. If he was not born of a virgin, he is of no value to mankind.

The birth of Christ is an event not only on earth but also in heaven, but our justification is also an event not only on earth but also in heaven. Christ now relates to us as man and can justify us. As God he has authority to justify us.

We find God to the degree that we want to find him.

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