Friday, July 2, 2010

Goldwater and envelopes

One of Barry Goldwater's favorite stunts during the 1964 campaign was to poke his fingers through a pair of lensless black-rimmed glasses and say, "These glasses are just like Lyndon Johnson's programs. The look good, but they don't work."

I thought you might enjoy this little bit of history, because the stock market just plummeted another 500 points this week. Unemployment remains very high at 9.8%. The beaches are getting covered with oil. Is the stimulus plan working? Is FEMA working? Is the President working?

A recent President said each incoming President should have three envelopes. During the first year, when the going is always rough, he should open the first envelop. The message inside reads, "Blame the guy who was in office before you!"

If things are still less than smooth at the end of the second year, he should open and read the second letter: "Blame Congress!"

At the end of the next year, when he's battered and bloody, he should open the third envelop and read its message: "Prepare three envelops!"

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