Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving in Tucson

Nancy and I went to Tucson for Thanksgiving and visited Seth, Noelle, and the grandchildren. My grandchildren love me. They think I'm funny. No one else does, but what do I care? We had a great time on our trip and ate too much food. I've decided that diets are for people who are thick and tired of it!

When the children are this age you realize that having kids is like eating half a grapefruit. No matter what you try, you end up with a little squirt! I'm going to suggest to Seth that he put a sign on Little Andy's door: CHECKOUT TIME IS 18. That will set a good expectation. During our visit we went to the park and watched the kids play. Even at 2 you can begin to see what they might be like as adults.

Notice the t-shirt, it says"Fearless." That pretty much says it all. Pay attention to the good advice of others my little friend. It's rough going through life with your contents looking as if they settled during shipping!

1 comment:

Kathy Hanson said...

Great photos! So much to be thankful for! I'm glad you had a great time, Grandpa and Grandma. You make grandparent-hood look pretty inviting!