Saturday, June 20, 2009

Free choice?

I haven't written on abortion or "free choice" before, partly because it's such a complicated issue and partly because I don't want to stimulate anger. I do think that as a nation it's time to "repent" of this thing. Clearly, shooting a doctor is wrong. But what about the children? S. Bulgakov has written, "Only suffering love gives one the right to chastise one's own nation." Who is suffering here? The teenage mother who forgot to take her pills? But, here is where it gets complicated. Talk with someone at an abortion clinic and you hear about mother's health issues, the baby's health issues, rape, etc. etc. No one seems to be irresponsible. We all know that's not true.

You would think it was impossible to take it upon oneself to "repent" on behalf of a nation to which one felt alien or even hostile. Nevertheless, there is a danger to the soul. Our vices and sins are lost in the blare of our freedoms and the importance of having a free choice. Perhaps we should get used to the idea that no people is eternally great or noble, not even here in America. I have more opinions on this and will write more when I feel brave enough.

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