Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hunting in Eastern Colorado

I went hunting today with my good friend Scott and his "assistant" Callie. Hunting like this with Scott is so pleasant and relaxing. On the road to Camp Cookie (our hunting area) near the Bluffs ranch, we ran across a few pheasant on the way. The hunting this year is going to be more difficult because of all the moisture we've had. The grass is knee deep and it's hard see the birds once Callie points them out. Except on the road of course.

Here is Callie bringing me my first bird of the day, a Chukar. She's a great dog and seems to have lots of fun sniffing, running around, pointing the birds out to us, and retrieving our birds. Scott and I need time to talk about the World Series of course.

Callie needs her booties before hunting because of all the cactus. It can be pretty hard on a dog without them, at least around here. We had a good day and then lunch together back at the Bluffs ranch. Grilled burgers, yum. Sorry Callie, you only get dried food and feathers in your mouth. It's a dogs life but we know you love it.

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