Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve and there is still a couple of feet of snow on the ground. Seth and Noelle are visiting, and Dee as well. It's certainly a joy to have them all here. Tonight we're going to the Christmas Eve service at Aspen Grove Community Church.

This year I'm reminded of four prophecies, all of which have come true. This first is from Micah 5:2 which is about Bethlehem, although small, a ruler will come from it and of course it's the birthplace of Jesus. The second is from Hosea 11 in which "God called a Son out of Egypt." The third is from Jeremiah 31 which talks about bitter weeping and Rachel weeping for her children who were murdered in Bethlehem (the baby Jesus escaped to Egypt with Mary and Joseph). The fourth is "that he should be called a Nazarene." What's the meaning of a Nazarene? It's one who is held in contempt and also means a shoot or a branch. Jeremiah 33:15 says that God will cause a Branch of righteousness to grow up into David and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.

When will the world come to realize that even though he is a "Nazarene" of men, considered of little worth, He is God's highest One on Earth? Micah said the King should come through Bethlehem and he did. Jeremiah said he would come through Egypt in oppression and he did. Jeremiah said that Rachel would weep and she did at the hands of Herod. And, finally the prophets said He would be a Nazarene and a sprout. The sprout became a branch, filled with the Spirit and the flaming Son of God, full of Majesty and Glory. The world has no idea who He really is.

For more on this read Matthew chapter 2 in the Bible. This is the time of year to read it.

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