Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day message from my grandkids, sent by my daughter

My Grandad 2013

1. My Grandad is funny because:

Eli:  "His ears come up like this." (point to both ears and raises his eyebrows really high)
Daisy:  "because of his Donald Duck voice."
Andy:  "When we pull hard on his hands, and then we fall."

2. My Grandad thinks I am funny when:

Eli:  "Grandad is funny to say Grandma!" (laughing)
Daisy:  "when I say four fluffy feathers and a fiffer feffer feff"
Andy: "When we pull hard on his hands, and then we fall."

3. My Grandad is ____ years old.

Eli:  5
Daisy:  6
Andy:  16

4. His favorite thing to do is:

Eli:  pink
Daisy:  hug
Andy:  be funny

5.  His favorite color is:

Eli:  pink
Daisy:  yellow
Andy:  purple

6. My Grandad's job is:

Eli:  "his ears come like this"
Daisy:  "to work"
Andy:  "he writes emails"

7.  He loves to eat:

Eli:  "Grandma"
Daisy:  "ice cream"
Andy:  "carrots and broccoli"

8.  He is really good at:

Eli:  "Grandma"
Daisy:  "his Donald Duck voice"
Andy:  "Work"

9.  My Grandad loves when I:

Eli:  "eat croutons"
Daisy:  "twirl"
Andy:  "do good things... like run around with Daisy"

10.  My Grandad always says:

Eli: "Grandma"
Daisy:  "we're having ice cream!"
Andy:  "Dad"

11.  My favorite thing about Grandad is:

Eli: "When I say goodnight about Grandad."  (big smile)
Daisy:  "he's nice"
Andy:  "he's funny"

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