Monday, May 6, 2013

Morning Wildlife

We got up this morning and decided to go for a walk. We got about 100 feet from our house and behind the group mail boxes was a cow elk grazing on the grass. Nancy waited while I ran into the house to get my camera. By then, it had walked up the trail a ways after grazing on the neighbors crab apple tree (lower left).

We followed her up the trail and she jumped the fence and walked South across the open space toward Lockheed Martin. Many of our neighbors were standing on their back porches taking photos and saying, "did you see that?"   We see deer on many of our morning walks but I could count on one hand the number of times we've seen elk.

We walked up to the lake and saw this blue heron guarding the best fishing spot on the lake. He let me get pretty close, so it must be a good spot.

Then there was more wildlife on the trail, but she decided to take me home and make breakfast for me. I guess I'm about the luckiest guy in the world! Praise God for His incredible blessings and the riches of His glory!

This isn't wildlife, but it was our last shot of the lake before we walked back to the house this morning. Just then, I saw two skunks scurry under someones back porch before I could take a picture! The mother skunk told her friend, "Junior just keeps rambling. He makes no scents!"

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