Monday, February 20, 2012

May I be patient

There's this quiet little road I know, high in the Colorado mountains. It leads where few have traveled and beautiful treasures await those patient enough to explore it. The ground is covered with snow now and the trees have lost their leaves, but if you're patient enough to wait until summer, the rewards are sweet.

Near the end you have to start hiking through the forest. It's dark in places and hard to see, even in broad daylight. Your legs get tired from going up and down the steep hill. The dense trees and undergrowth make the going a little tough, but if you're patient, you'll be rewarded with a beautiful site.

This little creek found the easiest path over a long granite slab. Carving its way through, the burbling water rose up almost magically, leaving small pools of clear refreshment. We stayed here and watched, amazed at what God had done through the course of time. I stand amazed at my little road to Him, rough as it may be at times. May I be patient Lord and keep you in my sight.

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