Sunday, March 6, 2011

FROG hike to the White House

We went hiking with our friends from FROG yesterday up to Mount Falcon Park and visited the "White House," a summer home for future U.S. Presidents. The home was never finished. Of course this brought a great deal of thoughts to my mind (low budget, since politicians had Colorado kids donating 10 cents each to fund it). All I will say is that our Presidents do the best they can. That should be enough to scare you! Of course, to hunt, fish, or own a dog, you need a license. But anybody who wants to can run for President!

Our FROG hiking group is terrific. There were thirteen of us on this hike. We enjoyed some warmer weather, considering it's early March, and hiked all over the park. The photo below is of the Walker mansion which burned down in 1918 and is near the White House. Walker was a real visionary. He bought the company which made the Stanley Steamer.

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