Friday, March 7, 2008

What am I? A liberal or conservative?

I can't believe it. One of Tyler's friends thinks I'm very conservative. Just the other day he asked me how I ended up with a liberal son. I suppose he read my Hillbilly post on Feb. 19. Here's the odd thing. At work today in a meeting with franchise owners, I was accused of being a liberal! Maybe I'm just anti-politics and anti-politicians, I don't know. I like what Will Rogers said, "The more you read and observe about this politics thing, you've got to admit that each party is worse than the other."

I find it interesting that politicians are quite low on the public "esteem" poll. They're one step below lawyers I think. I met Bob Dole about 7 years ago in Connecticut. Here was a rare, humble politician who made fun of himself. Guess that's why he never got to be President. He told a story about Herbert Hoover who was asked by a child for not one but three autographs. Hoover asked him why, and he was informed crisply that "it takes two of yours to get one of Babe Ruth's." For those of you who are wondering, I have far more sports autographs than I do of politicians. And no, I won't trade my Joe Frazier, Brooks Robinson, or Michael Singletary autographs for any politician.

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